She said it was because of cosmic chance. He said it was because of a breakfast burrito. Luckily for this love story, those two things go hand in hand.

When Rachelle accepted the sweet invitation to play her first music gigs at Even Stevens sandwiches, she couldn’t have imagined that she was also saying yes to destiny. 

That fateful Sunday in August 2015 brought a very special someone into her life. She noticed a hungry yet handsome gentleman sitting down and waiting for his burrito. He seemed to be the only one engaging in her banter in between songs. 

“Are you having a good morning?” She calls across the restaurant. He mishears her and stammers.

“No……I mean uh…yes I am!” They both look at each other smiling and a little confused.

He tipped her for the lovely music, grabbed her card and flashed a smile on his way out the door. He reached out the next day; they got together for lunch and soon after jammed in his studio in Salt Lake City. 

Their connection was electric, and they became fast friends. It became the new normal to text each other throughout the day and spend most nights hanging out, laughing themselves silly into the wee morning hours. An inevitable romance unfurled, and they spent the next year just loving and laughing together. They camped, they sang, they ate so much good food, and they adventured to Portland, falling in love with Oregon along the way. Their romance took a pause, but thankfully their friendship endured even when Chase moved to Seattle for a couple of years. 

Wherever life was taking them at the time, they still found time to talk or FaceTime almost every day. Whenever he was coming to town to visit for one reason or another, Rachelle would count down the days (and hours…) until his arrival. It was so special to spend time with him, even when just friendly in nature; he was as eagerly anticipated as a Christmas morning. 

One fall night, she shared with him on a phone call that she was convinced he was her person. “If you aren’t the absolute one for me, then no one is,” she remembers telling him. Some months later during a visit to Salt Lake, Chase said that he had decided to move from Seattle to Portland and asked if she was still interested in having a life together in that city they fell in love with. 

Her friends and family thought she was crazy for even considering it, much less actually doing it, but she knew in her bones that this was the answer to her prayers and this next step simply had to be taken. She knew she’d always regret going against her intuition if she didn’t accept this long-awaited invitation. 

How exhilarating that adventure was, and what a beautiful time was spent in the city of roses before COVID changed literally everything in life and brought them all back, Chase, Rachelle, and Dalton, to their Utah home. 

Flash forward a few years, and here they are sharing a beautiful life in the foothills of Salt Lake raising not one but two little ones (hello, Charlotte)! Rachelle could not have imagined a more wonderful father & bonus Dad than Chase, and she thanks the powers that be every day for bringing this family into fruition. 

These two have journeyed through so much: navigating post-romance friendship, cultivating respect and understanding, long-distance relationship, weaving a new life together in a new place, enduring a global pandemic, another out-of-state move, pregnancy loss and gain, wedding proposals, and even wedding planning – so far so good! Their love and commitment have stood the test of time and trials, and they’re certain that they can weather any storm life throws at them, likely giggling, sending funny memes, and holding each other up all along the way. 

They cannot wait to share their sacred celebration of commitment with you!
